Board of Management
Elected from its membership at the Annual General Meeting, Kiswebs Housing Association’s Board of Management consists of a dedicated group of volunteers who, without payment, give their time, experience and professional skills to lead on and set the strategic direction for Kiswebs Housing Association and its subsidiary companies (known as the Kiswebs Group).
The Board ensures staff deliver the Association’s business plan objectives to achieve better outcomes for its tenants and other customers. They also set and monitor the standards for service delivery and performance across all its activities; and control Kiswebs’s affairs, ensuring compliance with the Scottish Housing Regulator’s Regulatory Standards and the standards required by all of the Association’s regulatory bodies.
Kiswebs Housing Association’s Board is the main decision making body for the Association. Board members review reports prepared by senior staff and take into account feedback from tenants and other customers when making their decisions. They also take into account the potential impact any decision they make will have on tenants and others. This includes feedback on any consultations held, taking into account affordability levels when setting annual budgets and determining the Association’s risk appetite and risks to the Association and its tenants.