Estate management

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 If the name of your Estates Assistant does not appear when you enter your street name, please contact us where our staff will be happy to assist.

Anti Social Behaviour FAQ

What is antisocial behaviour?

Antisocial behaviour is behaviour that causes harassment, alarm or distress and can include:

  • Noise
  • Vandalism
  • Threatening behaviour
  • Criminal behaviour
What is not antisocial behaviour?

Some behaviour can be annoying but is not antisocial. This type of behaviour can be irritating but is to be expected when living near other people and can include:

  • Not being able to park outside your home
  • DIY and car repairs
  • One-off complaints of noise nuisance
  • Children playing in communal areas

For more information on dealing with Noise Problems, please see our leaflet in the downloads menu.

What we will do


We will talk to the tenant or tenants responsible to make sure they understand why their behaviour is causing disturbance to their neighbours.

Issue Warnings

We will issue warnings if they continue to behave in an antisocial way.

Work with Partners

We will work with our partners to find options to resolve the problem. Mediation could help tenants resolve the problem together.

Take Legal Action

If our efforts to resolve the problem are unsuccessful, we will seek an Antisocial Behaviour Order from the Sheriff Court. To do this, we must have supporting evidence from the Police and the neighbours.


In the case of extreme, persistent antisocial behaviour or criminal activity, we will take legal action to re-possess our property by evicting the antisocial tenant. This is a lengthy and complicated process which relies on neighbours to provide evidence and sometimes appear as a witness in court.

What you can do

Report Incidents

We cannot report incidents of antisocial behaviour on your behalf because we did not witness them. You are the witness and the Police will only be interested in what you have to say.

Each incident you report helps to build a picture of what is happening where you live. It is important that you tell both us and the Police about antisocial behaviour in your neighbourhood.

Contact Numbers
  • Aberdeen City - contact the Antisocial Behaviour Investigation Team on 0800 0510 434 or email
  • Aberdeenshire - contact Police Scotland on 101
  • Moray - contact the Moray ASB Helpline on 08005 877 197.
  • If you want to make an anonymous report you can call Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111.
  • If you want to report antisocial behaviour to us, please call us on 01224 423000

For more information on Dealing with Antisocial Behaviour, please see our leaflet in the downloads menu.

Car Parking FAQ

Who is permitted to park in our car parks?

Car parking spaces in our schemes are available on a first come, first served basis. We issue one parking permit per tenant when you provide us with evidence that you own a car. In certain circumstances we may issue a permit for visitors to use as long as a permit has not been issued to the tenant.

Visitors and carers can use our car parks but if demand for a space is high in your neighbourhood, we ask you to encourage your visitors to park nearby out of consideration for your neighbours. It is helpful if your visitors or carers can leave a note in their cars to say which property they are visiting.

What types of vehicle are permitted?

You can park cars, vans and motorcycles in our car parks. You may not park trailers, caravans, buses or lorries. There is not enough space for large vehicles.

Can I have a designated space if I am disabled?

If you are a Blue Badge holder or have similar supporting evidence about your disability, you can apply for a designated parking space. If there is space available, we will mark a space for your use.

What do we do about unauthorised parking?

We check car parks regularly and sticker unauthorised vehicles.

We work with the Police and the DVLA to identify persistent unauthorised parkers.

We have barriers in some of our car parks. Not all car parks have suitable layouts for barriers.

What happens if I lose my permit?

If you lose your parking permit, please contact us on 01224 42300 to ask for a replacement. We will ask you to confirm your vehicle registration number over the phone.

What happens if I change my car?

If you change your car, please contact us on 01224 423000 or email . We will issue a new parking permit. We will ask to see your vehicle ownership documents.

What do we do about abandoned cars?

If you suspect a car has been abandoned in your car park please contact us as soon as possible. We will work with the DVLA and the Police to contact the owner and have the car moved.

Health and Safety

Please do not park outside designated areas, next to exits or junctions or on grassed areas.

You are not permitted to keep vehicles which are in an unsafe condition.

You can carry out work on your vehicle as long as it does not cause disturbance or a health and safety risk.

We provide grit and salt bins in some schemes, but it is up to you to make use of it.

For more information on car parking, please contact us on 01224 423000 or download our Vehicle Parking leaflet from the the downloads menu.

Rubbish disposal FAQ

You are responsible for disposing of your rubbish in the bins provided by the local authority.

On some schemes the local authority provides individual wheelie bins for each property. On larger schemes of flats, paladin bins are provided for communal use.

Please make sure that all rubbish is placed completely in the bins. The local authority will not remove rubbish left outside bins.

If you want to dispose of large items such as kitchen appliances, sofas or mattresses, it is up to you to arrange for them to be collected. Please contact your local authority to arrange a special collection.

Aberdeen City

03000 200 292 or click for further information on Special/Bulky Uplifts.


Call Wasteline on 03456 081 207 or click for further information on Special/Bulky Uplifts.


01343 557073 or email:

Your local authority will charge you for this service.  If you dump your items and we have to arrange for them to be removed, we will charge you. Our costs are likely to be higher than the local authority’s.

If your item is still in a usable condition, you may be able to arrange for a charity to collect and reuse your item.